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the maritime communications revolution

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data hold unlimited potential for the shipping industry, driven by improved satellite coverage, prevalent sensor technology and the power of cloud computing. IoT has already impacted all areas of shipping from ports to cargo carriers to cruise liners and fishing boats. In fact, some commentators are of the opinion that IoT will be the second maritime communications revolution after the success of VSAT broadband satellite services., an open source, cloud-based IoT solution for the shipping industry, provides faster and more robust connections from the ship to the shore, allowing for an ever-increasing amount of data to be used in operational and diagnostic decision-making. Incorporating features such as WiFi, social media, Bluetooth, remote monitoring and control of lighting, climate control systems, real-time visualisation tools, and instant alerts via text and email, provides the most accurate and precise methods to collect historical and current data and use it for predictive analysis, trouble-shooting, remote monitoring and decision-making for greater operational efficiency.

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Powertec Telecommunications have commenced production of the connectivity module; a complex, dedicated processor designed and [...] Presentation

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Energy Consumption Measurement & Cost Savings in a Plastic Recycling Factory

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Where the Curds are Whey’d – Sensor and Cloud Management System Integrated into a Cheese Factory

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Western Australia’s First Demonstration Smart Farm

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